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I think, as parents, we all want the same thing for our kids.
To be happy and healthy.
To feel loved and to be able to give love.
To feel confident and secure with themselves.
To be kind.

I think, as parents, our hope is that they find happiness in what they set out to do.
To feel a part of something, whatever that something may be.
To stick up for themselves.
To stick up for others.

I am a mom of two teenaged boys and this parenting teen thing is not for the faint of heart.

I am swept back in time to my highschool years and feel instantly ill.
How do I fit in?
Where do I belong?
Do I listen to my heart or my head?
And why are they saying two different things?
Will I ever need to know geometry outside of this HS building?

I am a worrier.
(I blame genetics.)

And I am trying so hard to let my children choose their own friends and navigate their own waters.
I try to gently give advice (which as we know is only received by eye rolls and mumbles under the breath)
I try to give suggestions (I do not understand; apparently)
I try to watch from the sidelines without criticizing.

But I cannot do this for them.

And I know I have to allow them to be their own person, yet guide them.
(As I am 100% certain I was not listening to my Mother either at this age)

I know this worrying never ends.

I know that there will be times my kid may be excluded and may even be doing the excluding.
I know there will be times he may be on the sideline and times he may be in the center of the ring.
I know there will be times when he will be struggling through chemistry and...
let's face it, do we not always struggle through chemistry?

What I'm trying to remember is that I got through these years, (somewhat unscathed) and grew into a happy, good hearted adult.

Who worried than and worries now.

God help my kids.

Remember- genetics.
