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What I learned from camp

How to canoe.
How to capsize a canoe.

How to do a box stitch.
And a circle stitch.

I learned how to shave my legs
Clean a toilet
Use a tampon
And found the joy in borrowing friends clothes.

I excelled in Jacks, making hospital corners and flirting.  I sucked at swimming, water skiing, and tetherball .

I learned I do not enjoy fast spinny rides at amusement parks and that it's humiliating to throw up after said ride- in front of teenaged boys.

I learned what pink eye is
how to shower in under 30 seconds in freezing cold water
and what the inside of an infirmary looks like for longer than 24 hours.

I found a love of BCP (Boston Cream Pie), a phenomenon called Shabbos Bread,  and that warm chocolate milk on a hot summer day is really really disgusting. 

I learned to tie dye, grease a watermelon, dance the horah, serve a volleyball, get lice out of kids hair, and every single word to James Taylor's "You've got a friend".

I learned to appreciate Friday night services, extended bunk activity (spent getting shabbat kisses from boys), and beach trips ending with bbq's out on the rocks in Rye Harbor State Park.

What I learned most is the true meaning of friendship.

I am almost 52 and have not attended camp since the age of 21.
I am connected in so many ways (many thanks to facebook) to my camp people.
People who were my bunkmates, my counselors, my campers, or former alumni who I barely knew at the time.

Maybe it's just MY camp.
I like to believe my camp is pretty damn special but here's the beauty..

if you ever needed anything
and I really mean this
your camp has your back.

Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall
All you've got to do is call
