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College woes

 Oldest is a junior and we are in the very early stages of talking about colleges. 

Which means at 12:53 AM is the perfect time to worry about the following 

Where will he go? Should he be closer to home? Will he make friends or be desperate to come home? Will he remember to brush his hair ? 

I have to think there’s a fit for everyone. Small or large university. Transfer out or transfer in. Community college, gap year or no college at all. I have to believe he will end up somewhere and will somehow be ok. 

I’m not a helicopter mom. I’m really not.

 But oldest has some learning disabilities and is a quiet child with a heart of gold..and I worry.

It’s true that 1AM his junior year in HS is not the time to worry but it’s how I roll. 

And let’s remember that college acceptance is way different than back in my day (omg when did I become old ?) I was an average student at best and can assure you I was not stressing out about where I should volunteer or that i should join a club because colleges need to see that . That really would have interfered with my date nights with my high school boyfriend and talking on the phone for 3 hours a night to my friends. 

And you know what happened? 

I got into a college. 

Not my first choice but I got in. 

And I went. And survived . And had fun(although I did apply to transfer out freshman year )(but didn’t). 

So I’m planning to take a giant deep breath and hope to exhale sometime before 2022.

And remind myself as I look around at a bunch of high school boys that my kid is not the only one who doesn’t brush his hair . 
