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Mamma Mia

 At 1030PM, each night, I roll over and either say “I’m soooo tired” or “I’m never going to sleep”

Either way, it ends with the same result..
Me staring at my clock at 12:34AM (remembering some time back at camp someone told us this is when you should make a wish)
So I wish for sleep.

The TODAY show did a segment on guarantee falling asleep within 2 minutes. 
I know the drill. 
I do the drill nightly.

Slow your breathing. 
Start at your head and work down each limb.
When your mind drifts off say “don’t think”.

This technique clearly was not made for women.
We do not know how to turn our brains off.

But I tried.
Started at my head.
By the time I got to my neck I was singing Dancing Queen in my head (thanks to youngest being in the spectacular performance of Mamma Mia this weekend).

Don’t think.
Don’t think.

Back to my head. 

I made it down to my arms until I wondered what my best friend from 1992 is up to.

Somehow, at some point, this clearly worked because I did sleep and I don’t remember the clock last 12:34 last night.

But tonight is a new night.
And I’m off to see the final performance.
I imagine I’ll be singing 
🎶🎶MAMMA MIA, here we go again…
