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Two years later

 On April 13, 2000 my mother was one of 24,000 who had died from Covid 19.

Two years ago mask wearing was, not only  foreign to us; but also they were hard to find. People were hand sewing and online orders took weeks.

We were making our own hand sanitizer.
Buying anything that said “kills germs”.

We wiped down our cereal boxes and some were wearing gloves to open their mail. 

I was doing lots of puzzles.
Lots of neighborhood walks followed by naps. 

Fruits and veggies were hard to come by. 

We are two years past the beginning of this nightmare. 

Masks are now sold anywhere from CVS to Neiman Marcus.
Hand sanitizer is plentiful and thank goodness; so is toilet paper.

I outgrew the puzzle phenomenon and grocery stores no longer have 2 hour lines or one way arrows to shop. 

And I hug my friends again.

But two years after the start to a global pandemic ,
my Mother is now one of 960,000 who have lost their lives to Covid 19.

We are hopefully on the other side of this -
We are hopefully in a better place.

But my heart still aches
And I still have guilt and sadness 

And I miss my Mom.

And I pray I’m not writing about this two years from now.
