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Paying Tribute to the Dad's

I've always been a Daddy's girl. I admit it..I'm proud of it. I knew when I was little that my Dad would defend me whenever needed (and knew he would often side with me during those teenage years of fights with my Mother)
My Dad feels sadness when I do and always shares in my joy. He has always been there for me.
When I started dating seriously I knew I wanted someone who had similar qualities to my Father. Loyal, secure, honest, respectful. Those are marrying type qualities. Those are qualities you want in the Father of your future children.
I married that man. That man with those qualities and he is, to no surprise, an amazing Dad.
We've been through some rough times throughout our marriage. Not "couple" rough times but REAL-ROUGH-TIMES. He has stood by my side, held my hand and shared all my emotions with me.
My husband isn't only a great Father because he always lets me sleep late on the weekends. He always gets the boys up and dressed for school. He never complains if I want a few hours to myself on the weekends even though he, too, had a busy week filled with work. He plays and listens as a Dad should. He educates, is patient (well, sometimes :-), and gives his love freely.
So this Father's Day I am so fortunate to honor two Father's. My own, and the Father of my own children.
To my Dad..
and to Dear Husband,
I am so amazingly blessed to have two wonderful men in my life
