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I get sentimental around Thanksgiving. Probably because it's my favorite holiday. My Mom makes the world's best stuffing and I love the smell that the turkey brings to my kitchen. We used to have big Thanksgivings. I would see all my cousins and we would eat at my parents. They got smaller as kids grew and married off and started to spend Thanksgivings with their spouses families or extended families. And it changed because I started hosting the before my Dad died. So although our table is smaller and although my Dad no longer is here to carve our turkey- I still smile as the holiday approaches. And I now get how my Mom used to make 10 trips to the supermarket within two days because you forget that one ingredient that you needed even though you made your shopping list weeks in advanced. Because Im so anal Thanksgiving does get a bit frustrating because there is so little that I can do in advanced (other than some shopping) With Thanksgiving a week away, Im reminded of t

Wednesday woes

Why do my children feel the need to tell me when they're going to the bathroom? Without fail, two minutes after my youngest goes to bed he comes out of his room to tell me his eye itches, needs a bandaid, is wheezing (really he isnt), needs a glass of water or has to go to poop even though I asked him 5 minutes prior. I learned that the secret to parenting is structure. My boys do not do well with down time. Oldest is going into third grade. This terrifies me because soon he is going to be asking me math questions that I wont know the answer to. I still get the baby urge. Until I nudge my dog away because she wants too much attention and realize I wouldnt be good at the baby phase again. I often throw out my childrens' art things without them knowing and then play dumb when they ask where they are. I admit Ive gone to IKEA just for the free babysitting.

Youngest child causing me agina

I really cant complain (yet; I will) The boys had 8 weeks of summer camp 8 weeks of being out of the house from 9-4 Someone else was entertaining them, teaching them to swim, keeping them busy. It was; without a doubt, heaven. They have now been out of camp for 2 days. 2 days and already I have pullen my hair out, swore at them (okay not a real swear word but g-d damned comes close enough), have lost my cool on more than one occasion, broken up 15 arguments, and listened to my 7 year old whine, scream, tantrum, cry, throw and be defiant. SEVEN YEARS OLD! At three I said that he had nothing on the terrible two's. At four I swore it was  phase-he was transitioning out of naps after all At five when he still refused to poop on a toilet I said he was just strong willed. It will serve him well in adult hood. He then became six and I thought for sure he was just picking up this attitude at school. After all, this couldnt be ongoing, could it? Alas, here he is, seven years

Marching on

Each year as our March for Babies walk approaches, I relive my pregnancy. I relive, pretty much, each aspect of highs and lows that I went through for 28 weeks and then ....the after. A few weeks ago, Dear Husband and I were asked to speak at Brigham and Women's NICU to tell our story. We are the ambassador family this year for the Boston March for Babies walk and we are more than happy to help out anyone that we can. We feel fortunate we are given a platform where we can tell our story and share with others. Brigham NICU is particularly meaningful for us because that is  where our sons were born. That is where Zachary took his first..and last breath. That is where I spent 6 1/2 weeks-holding onto my pregnancy. So when Dear Husband and I entered the NICU, it was almost if we had never left. The instant smell of the purell (the green kind, not the clear) brought us back to a time where we had to look through an isolette to visit our son. The corner position in NICU C is now b

Come sail away

Another early release Wednesday? Am pretty sure we have more short days than long And for gods sake it's vacation week...AGAIN?! As I scramble for something to do with the kids I think why on earth did I plan a trip that is NOT during school vacation week? What was I thinking? Well, I know I was thinking that it was probably $2000 more to fly during April break and am pretty sure I thought a cruise would be insane then but still...a week off of school and then another week off later? Clearly was not thinking clearly! Regardless, a cruise is in our future so that's the bright side. I admit I have threatened the kids that they NEED to sign up for kids camp on board and that if youngest thinks he is eating chicken nuggets for 8 days straight he is mistaken but I do realize..say what you want about my kids (Well you may not say much as  you dont know them as I do. No, they're good kids, really they are. Sometimes fresh and rude..and whiny..but..)  they DO rise to the occa

I said I love you, and that's forever..

After checking on my boys (as Ive done every night for the past 8+ years  before I crawl into bed) I say to Dear Husband, "Im so in love with them" "Thats because theyre sleeping" he replies. Well true. They are absoloutely delightful to look at when theyre sleeping as they are not fighting, whining, or talking back. Yet, I am sure I am pretty completely in love with them even when they are awake. Its true that Motherhood changes you completely. Me- for the better. I am 100% positive (okay, 99.9%) that I am a different person because of my two sons. Especially oldest. I am a more thoughtful, tolerant, accepting and patient (kinda) person because of all that I have gone through. All that he has gone through. All that we have gone through as a family. Driving home the other day my wedding song came on the radio. Billy Joel's "Just the way you are". It was a no brainer that would be our song. Both huge Billy fans and the words were loving

40's are the new 30's? Really?

Whoever said 40's are the new 30's haven't met me. Although not sure my body was so great in my 30's at least I could see. I didn't need glasses or to ask my children what something says on a package bc the darned letters are so small. At least I didn't need to get breast MRI's yearly to make sure my overly "dense" boobs (correction. one boob) doesn't have breast cancer-again. At least I could lose 5 lbs. Okay I didnt lose 5lbs but I couldve lost 5 lbs WAY easier than I can now. At least I could walk, bend (sorta) lift and reach without pain and being arthritic in more than one joint (back, shoulder and knee. Really? I'm 45 and I have arthritis? This worries me for life at 55 or even 65!) Oh, and pain in my feet. All the time. Something about fascitis and flat feet.  Gray hairs, marks on my skin, hotflashes, bags under my eyes..MAKE IT STOP!  Yes, health has gone drastically downhill in my 40's (okay, drastically may be an over

Good news/Bad news

Good news: Its Feb 13th and we've had a relatively snow-less Winter. (Lets hope me writing that out loud doesnt jinx me) Oldest is eating. Not Mc'D happy meals but eating more than he has in his entire 8 years of life. He is now only 3 lbs less than youngest. This is huge 3 months till vacation Bad news: Wilsey ate a significantly large hole in our dining room rug. Guess we shouldnt have rushed to take down the baby gates! Housewives of Beverly Hills is done for the season. What guilty pleasure will I have now? I'm turning 44 in three months. How did this happen?

Nothing says I love you like a Tic Tac

Two years ago for Valentines Day I bought my boys Donald Duck stuffed animals. We were going to Disney World after all. Apparently they thought that meant every Valentines Day was to be celebrated with a gift. Okay; I'll bite. After all, Dear Husband does come home w flowers for me. That's a gift. Shows his love. I love my kids. I'll show the love. Oldest isnt a candy eater so we need to get something else. He wants a book that he can write his own story in (illustory. A great gift I must say!) Youngest says.. "Mommy. This year for Valentines Day could you please get me a Phineas and Ferb card if you can find one and for my gift I want Tic Tacs" "Tic Tacs?" I repeat, just to make sure I heard him correctly. "Yes, Any color is fine but if they have red I'd like red because red is my favorite color you know". "Honey. Tic Tac's are a tiny candy and some are minty. You dont like minty" "Mommy. I know what the