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Ever since my radiation consult, I cannot stop singing "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons.
You're welcome.
You will be singing it now too.
It's quite catchy.

So went to meet with a radiation oncologist which is a different doctor from my regular oncologist. This one; clearly, specializes in radiation. I felt like I was in a movie though and not following along with the plot.
It was an 830AM consult and 2 days after chemo (which is my worst day of the week). She was speaking and I know I was trying really hard to listen but honestly, I was very whooshy. (If you remember from earlier posts- my favorite cancer word)
I now know why people tell you to always bring someone with you to important doctor appointments. You need someone listening when you are overwhelmed.
I'm not too concerned as radiation doesn't seem too complex. You sit in a machine and they radiate you.
I think I can follow along.
She mentioned something about CT Scans prior to beaming me up and pen sized tattoos so they know where to radiate. Side effects are fatigue (like I haven't been feeling that for the past 3 months) and sensitive skin. Like a bad sunburn. Apparently I'll be taking up some stock on Aquaphor and Coppertone as she told me not to get too tan around my v neck area. Tough for a woman who works at a camp during the summer.

Radiation will start a few weeks after chemo finishes.
Yup. No rest for the weary.
And then the fun continues with reconstruction which will be a whole other post because that constitutes a whole different area of fun. 3 nights in the hospital, long recovery and a tummy tuck to boot. For those who are in the know with breast cancer the good times roll with a tram flap. For the rest of you...

Stay tuned.
