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Quick update

Losing your hair is bad enough with chemo but to lose all your hair- everywhere- really is the icing on the cake.
I've mentioned before that losing my brows and lashes was worse than losing my hair on my head. I felt so cancer-y. And now that they are slowly growing back; I look even worse. Little sprouts growing make me look like I'm in desperate need of going for a wax. But I cannot of course because they need to grow.
And my hair on my head growing back are whisps. Gray/White whisps. The whisps poke out below my scarf (not enough for me to go scarf-less) but enough for people to see that my hair is growing back like Rose from the Golden Girls.

The good news is going for Herceptin every 3 weeks so far has been nice. Not having my port accessed and not feeling nauseous daily has been ah-MAZE-ing. I actually put the compazine bottle in the medicine cabinet! (Ok, so it was replaced on my nightstand by the Aquaphor tube but...yea, no nausea- just sore skin) #Cancerkeepsgiving.

School is out. Sun is out. Humidity is out.
But me, I don't need to worry about the hair frizzing this summer.

And who says I'm the glass half empty girl??
