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Rule Books

I have two pretty great sons.
I love them equally.
They are being raised by the same two parents.
One is night. One is day.

My brother and I are that way too. And often so are DH and I.

It's all good. That's what makes the world. Differences.
Since I'm cancer girl these days my thoughts are heavily cancer related. So at 1:13 this morning when insomnia is at its finest, I got to thinking.

I've been reading some cancer blogs lately and the writers, like me, find the writing helpful. It's part of our coping mechanism. We express because we have the need to go through our healing this way. I'm reading and getting stuff in return. An 'aha"moment or a confirmation that this is normal.  I choose to go public because this is me.

There are others going through cancer or another illness or tough time in their life and they choose the opposite. They go through the motions because we all have to but want to keep it private. They dont want to talk about the appointments and the side effects and how they are doing. And this is okay. Because we all cope differently.And it's not just cancer. This is life.

Sure I'm raising my kids in the same house and what I think is pretty much the same but my boys? They're different. They react differently and express differently and internalize differently. And this is what makes the world go round.

So if I choose to be public and the next person doesn't- so be it. There is no cancer book and there is no life book. And I'm realizing that how I am reacting to cancer is what's best for me. And as a Mom, I have to remember that my boys learn differently and socialize and live differently. And that's what works for them.

Let's stop thinking what we are doing is wrong. Or needs to be constantly changed.
Life is not a book of rules.
