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A day at the mall

It was the Sunday after we had 13 inches of snow dumped on us.
Two snow days from school.
It was time.
Time to venture out.

Me and 1000 of my closest friends within 35 miles had the same idea.
We all went to the mall.

I was calm even though it took me 15 minutes to find a parking space and I broke laws by going down the do not enter row of the parking garage.
I was on a mission.
I needed to get out and about.
I needed retail therapy.

During my 60 minutes of what I will now appropriately call, hell,
I saw two dogs browsing the mall as well.
With their owners I mean but yea, two dogs.
Who, I assure you, were NOT service dogs.

Along with the two dogs were 152 teens wearing Patriots Pom Pom winter hats and Uggs slippers as shoes (Which, call me old, I will NEVER understand this trend).
If you were not wearing a pom pom hat you were most definitely looking down at your phone while walking with your girlfriends.
Or walking with ear buds stuck in your ears with a group of 10 teenaged boys.

I really needed hand lotion.
It's negative degrees in Boston these days and my hands are cracked.
I like something that smells nice so of course it's worth it to spend $22 on strawberry smelling body butter that I stood in line for after 15 minutes of the worker explaining to the woman in front of me that she can not use her birthday coupon if it is not her birthday month. The birthday month coupon, FYI, cannot be redeemed AFTER said birthday month only DURING birthday month. Woman wanting the $75 of products was not only not getting this but really, really pissed.

After said purchase of strawberry hand lotion and browsing a few stores where I decided I'm still too heavy and my hair is still way too short to even buy clothes (because, you know, your hair must be long to buy a new sweater) so I sat on a couch in the middle of the mall and texted a friend who made me laugh out loud while texting and then a guy who was walking by staring down at his phone actually had the nerve to stare at me when I laughed out loud. Really guy? You're looking down at your phone who are you to judge?

I decided 60 minutes was enough people watching.. OMG! OMG! I forgot about the woman who was at least a foot taller than her husband pushing the baby carriage. No, the height thing isn't the issue she was a foot taller because she wore the largest, tallest, black fur hat (think a 2 foot russian hat). Granted it was a whopping 5 degrees out but we were inside a shopping mall and she did look utterly hysterical in it (I claimed I would TRY to be all zen and kind post cancer; I never said I was a saint).

On that note, tomorrow is Monday.
I think we are hitting a high of 20 something which really will feel like the caribbean at this rate and the kids will hop on the bus for school. I'm meeting my most wonderful friend for lunch and all will be right in the world.

And I'll smell like strawberries.
