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Much ado about nothing

In 4 months I'll be 50.

My back is in spasms.
My knees creak.
I need new sneakers because my plantar fasciitis is so bad.
I can't read a damned thing without my glasses and even then; it's questionable.

If I feel like 60 now cannot wait to see what the next decade brings.
Bring it on, I say.
Because remember, I'm all zen now.

We were in NYC this weekend while youngest was soaking up the sun at a camp friend's Bar Mitzvah in Florida.
I was sent a picture of him and his summer brothers in a hot tub while I was freezing my ass off -debating to buy a $10 hat on the streets because I didn't think I could walk two blocks without forming icicles on my nose.

Sorry city lovers but I don't love NYC.
Elmo and Cookie Monster want to charge you money for a picture.
People are shoving free CD's in your face (telling DH "you're young enough to listen to this")
A burger costs $18 and I don't know how women go out at night in heels because you walk everywhere.
The upside?
Walk into the Hershey store and you're handed a mini chocolate bar.
(Yes. Of COURSE I was tempted to walk out and walk in again. DUH)
But it's 2018 and I'm vowing to lose the 20lbs once and for all.
17 more to go.
It's a long road.
Especially without a second Hershey.

I'm 2 weeks away from my last infusion.
Cancer fear is not ever over but I admit I'm having more normal days than bad ones.
It's been a tough week with tragic news I've heard from friends.
Illness and death of people far too young.
We all say life is short and that we need to live in the moment more.
Do what makes you happy.

Please don't wait for that moment where you say "I wish I had..."
Your time is now.
2018 is now.

Don't wait til your knees creak.
But for gods sake, please dont pay Elmo for the photo!
