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For Sam

I am enough.
That was Sam's hashtag she often used when posting or blogging.
Sam died at the age of 40 this week.
From Cancer.

I am enough.
I'm trying to live by these words.
As should you.

I look in the mirror and am constantly being self critical.
Of course my short hair screams out at me.
The way my eyes now have wrinkles when I smile.
My whole bottom half.
The mole on my nose.
The way I bite my nails.
I am not disciplined enough to lose weight.
Oh the guilt! About everything.

I am enough.

Why do I do this to myself?
Why do I focus on the negatives or imperfections?
We all have flaws of course.
But we all have strengths too.
We all have wonderfully, positive qualities that make us who we are.
We cannot do it all people.
We do what we can.

Join me in honoring Sam.

I am enough.
You are enough.
