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Achey heart

Hi it’s me 
I couldn’t sleep
Maybe you couldn’t either 

I’m sickened and frightened and sad. 
And my heart really hurts 
Yours probably does too

Dear congress please stop sending thoughts and prayers. They aren’t enough anymore. 
They were never enough
Do you need to wait until it’s your child that becomes a victim ? 
Is that what you’re waiting for ?
Until it hits close to your home? 
Because this is hitting close to my home. 
No. I’m not from Parkland or Sandy hook or Las Vegas or Orlando.
My home is here- with my children. 
Who I want to keep safe.
I’m sure you do too. 

My children. Our children
Do you know what their minds should be worried about? 
Math tests and school dances. 
Instead our children are worried about guns and being safe in their school. In their shopping malls. In their movie theaters. 
I’m sickened.
Maybe you are too. 

Dear congress- dear president. When will it be enough for you ? 

Last night I didn’t sleep. 
You maybe didn’t either. 
Maybe you went in and watched your kids sleep like I did. 
Feeling pretty blessed to have them safe in the next room.
My heart ached as I thought of the moms- and the dads- who wished their children a good day at school. Maybe they snuck a candy bar into their backpack with a note of a happy Valentine’s Day. A day to be professing our love. 
And on that valentines night, they didn’t get to ask them how their day was. Or how their math test went. They didn’t get to sit down for dinner as a family. They won’t get to have any more Valentine’s Day as a family. Because now their family was destroyed by another act of senseless violence. 
Maybe you had the same thoughts  dear congress. 
I hope you did. 
I hope you wake up this morning and take your thoughts and your prayers into action. 
Because we all want to be able to have another Valentine’s Day with our children. 

My heart aches 
I know yours does too 
