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Thank you

To my childrens teachers:

Thank you.

Thank you for welcoming them to school, first thing in the morning, when you've barely scarfed down your g cup of coffee. For smiling even if you are having a crappy day. For listening even though you have your own issues going on.

For accepting.
For not judging.

For teaching them to share, cooperate, listen, speak out, voice opinions, and socialize.

Thank you for being a nurse, surrogate parent, cheerleader, and therapist.

And thank you.
Thank you for keeping them safe to the best of your ability.

When you signed up for this job lockdown drills and escape routes were not first and foremost in your mind.
Yet, each year you practice those safety skills to keep our children safe.
And sadly, so sadly, you have; more than once, been called upon to utilize those skills.
To put OUR children before yourselves.

You are not paid nearly enough, nor will you ever be thanked nearly enough, for all that you do each and every day. 

For nurturing and aiding our children while simultaneously teaching them about George Washington and linear equations.

I thank you.
