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Life is better in the Bahamas

Life really is better in the Bahamas.
I’ve spent 5 days with the 3 people I love the most living amongst palm trees and fruity drinks. We were relaxed. We swam and ate ice cream every night (because as youngest reminds me - there are no diets on vacation). We all got a bit too much sun and ate a bit too much. The weather was perfect. I watched DH and oldest play catch in the pool and listened to youngest describe in intricate detail (in his glory) about each and every water slide. We Polo’d when someone Marco’d and  giggled when we the sting rays we swam with attacked our butts. Believe me no vacations are without issue. My teens gave the occasional attitude and I complained daily about my short hair (okay it may have been hourly. In my defense chemo curls showed up full force in this humidity ) All in all- we rated the trip a 9 out of 10 - taking points off for our lack of hot water in our showers and the view of a parking lot. 
These are my take aways :
Reclining seats on airlines should be outlawed.

Remember when pillows and blankets were free on flights? 

To the lady in 12A on our flight who eyeballed me as I was wiping down my kids armrest, tray table and TV I want to tell you that he could die while touching remnants of a 2 year olds peanut butter crackers on the previous flight. Plus- you know- the flu. So don’t judge. 

We are all happier, kinder, more patient and all around lovelier when we are on vacation. People are striking up random conversations while swimming or waiting in lines for water slides.  Stop for 5 seconds to take a family picture for random stranger? Absolutely. We slow down. We stop and soak in our surroundings. We breathe in... and out. Now granted palm trees and ocean views are easier to soak up then snow and highway traffic but it’s really a nice feeling we all should try to adopt. 

And for 5 days I almost forgot what was going on back in our home states. Kids were being kids here in the Bahamas. They were laughing and chilling and not worrying about guns and if their schools were safe. I almost forgot about lockdown drills and AR 15 rifles - which I shouldn’t even know what the hell that even is. 
I almost forgot because I witnessed a 6 year old girl go up to a girl she didn’t know in the pool and say “I’m 6 how old are you? “ “I’m 8” the older girl, with her Caribbean braids, replied. “Cool. Want to do a dance party in the pool with me? “ 

And that my village peeps. Is how I almost forgot about life back in our states. Because life in the Bahamas is just a dance party. Maybe we should carry that back on Jet Blue with me tomorrow . 
