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And another 24 hours

Nor'easter number 3.
This time no joke. I'm pretty sure my child could be buried out there head to toe.

I awoke with a tension headache. No shock as I've had a bit of added stress the last few days. Furicette to the rescue and oh look; it's snowing, time to climb back under the covers.  (Bonus for teenage boys who are now self sufficient. You know, relatively speaking)

Decide to shower as dear friend reminds me we could lose power and who wants to shower in the dark and cold. Move from one set of pj's to another.

DH on conference calls all day (downside of working for not just a Boston based company). Youngest wants to make brownies (screw you Jenny Craig. I ONLY had a smidge. I had to make sure it was baked all the way through. I can't have my child eating raw brownies. File it under #thingsmothersdofortheirkids)

Make youngest Grilled Cheese for lunch (kid knows how to work his mother. But Mom, you make the BEST grilled cheeses. Which is true, I do).

Oldest has not moved from couch other than to go to another sitting arrangement for xbox game. ESPN to Red Zone to one NCAA bracket to the next. Whatever. Snow day and all)

Dog wants to know why she can't see out the sliding glass door window. Sorry dog. That's called a blizzard.

Facebook amuses me during snow days.
Facebook often amuses me during any day. I do a lot of eye rolling, some laughter, some news worthy articles. All good for a time suck.
On the other hand, social media sometimes sucks.
Parenting is sometimes really hard. Being a tween is really hard also.
And that, my village, is all I can muster for profound wisdom during Blizzard 2018.

I'm off to help my kid fill in a bracket (because I'm so knowledgable of this stuff. My bracket was chosen on what states I like better) (Don't judge. I may win)

Stay safe. I pray for your power to stay on so that your children can stay plugged in for the next 3 days of no school. Or til July. Whichever comes first.
