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My two cents

Read an article the other day ( )
which spoke to me.
Actually as I was reading it I found myself nodding.
Actually as I was reading it I thought; wait, did I write this?

No. I had just been thinking it.

Was talking with BFF the other day and told her how I'm really the happiest I've been in a while.
Which is kinda screwed up considering I hate my hair, am only down 5 lbs,  am turning 50, have uneven breasts that are trying to form shape and my body looks like a treasure map.


Not sure I could've said that before.
And certainly couldn't have said it last year.
But here's the thing that aging has taught me (and cancer reminded me)

A single nanosecond.
A bad scan. A found lump. A tragic accident.
Do not waste your time surrounding yourself with people that drain you.
Or people that do not make you feel totally comfortable.
Do not waste your days on a job that you hate (find a new job. But you know, wait to find that job before you quit. Because that wouldn't be good. You gotta pay for heat and food and stuff)
Do not waste time worrying about your hair looking like crap as you walk into Target.
Or waste time thinking of things that may not matter to you in 48 hours. Or 48 days.

This has taken me years to get to.
And lots of work.
And blogs.
And self help articles.
And advice from experts.

But here I am.
I'm secure in who I am.
I like who I like (which is kinda sad because I've learned I really dont like people. Except for you guys of course)
I like being at home. This is okay. I dont feel the need to be at a party or gathering that I dont want to be at. I used to feel I had to attend. I dont do that anymore. I only attend what I WANT to attend.
I used to think that made me a bitch.
Maybe it does but I think it makes me just okay with who I am.
I spend time doing things I like to do. Things I want to do. People I want to see.

So take it anyway you want and if you want to place me in the bitch category; Im okay with that.
Although I hope you dont.
I hope you see it as free advice.
Stop draining yourself and live for you.
You will be amazed what a little happiness does to your soul.

And those most important?
Love them fiercely.

You're welcome
