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Back to basics

Like so many of you, I have been glued to the news the last week.
He said. She said.
Me too.

I do not like to get political on social media but this is what I do like to talk about.
My kids.
And your kids.
And raising kind kids.

Oldest started high school this year.
And high school is NOT middle school as we all my remember.

It's larger.
More hallways to navigate.
Larger classes
and definitely more school work to deal with.

I may have mentioned I was not a great student so I feel for my kid when he struggles with a test or is afraid to ask for extra help.
But a friend reminded me of this...

when my kid is 40 his test isn't going to matter.

What will matter?

His kindness.
His decency.
His heart.

I'm all about good grades and achievement and doing well in school.
But it's not everything.

And I'm living proof.

I grew up in a city with a top notch school system.
I got average grades; at best.

I did not go to a top school even though many of my classmates did.
It was tough to be surrounded by so many over achievers when I felt at times I could barely stay afloat while dissecting a frog.

I went to college.

I graduated.

I got a job working with emotionally disturbed children.
I then became fascinated with the medical world (which was a good thing due to multiple medical issues in my family life. Who  would've thunk it?)
Thing is...

average grades got me a decent life.
And I think I am a decent person.
And I like to think I have a good heart.
In spite of getting a D in high school math.

My kids should  do well in school.
And I want them to do well in school.
And I want them to succeed in life and do well and have a comfortable life.

But more than that..
I want them to be good decent humans.
I want them to stick up for themselves and for others when it's called for.
I want them to have confidence and respect for themselves because that all leads to respect for others.

And I want them to be happy.

It's what we all want for our children.
I'm sure I'm no different than you.

But the news has got this country divided.
And I get that.
I just want to get back to basics.

Anyone else miss deflate gate talk?
