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Had a meeting at oldest's high school today.

Students seem really tall and way more mature than when I was there.
All girls have long hair.
And it's straight.
And did I mention they're all tall?

No one uses lockers.
There are lockers.
But they are apparently for decoration.
Seems as if students would rather carry 10lb backpacks all day long.

Libraries are utilized.
I dont remember utilizing the library.
Maybe because I didn't ( perhaps others did)

So yea.
Had a meeting.
All was good.
Then I went to live strong.
Where I leave all zen like.

Seriously I know I sound all preachy and almighty but I leave feeling ...
My little group is a safe haven.
We are all different shapes and sizes and ages.
We have different ranges of ability and yet we are brought together by this common bond.
(Albeit a crappy common bond)

No judgement.
That's what I got out of  today's class.
And believe you me, I am judgemental.
I will not claim not to be.
But I'm going to work on this.
Because isn't it what we all want?
Just to be accepted for who we are.

And to give ourselves a break for not being the pinterest organic mother who crafts and makes her own pesto and ends up at PTO meetings in $150 ripped jeans that make her look like Giselle?

I will never be that mother.
And I'm kind ok okay with it (kind of because you know, lets be honest, we all kinda want to be Giselle. Even if not for her looks just simply for the fact because she is married to a GOAT)

No judgement.

I am not the fit woman who was doing side step squats with a band around her ankles when I arrived and was still at it when I left.
I was running for the hills because I forgot a water bottle and she was kicking A but I'm just proud of myself for getting to the gym.

Small steps.
No judging.

And as we ended with being all zen and mindful I was taught , what I think may be my new favorite acronym.


You're enough today.

Namaste my village.
