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This is life after cancer

I complain that I can’t wait til u can sport a pixie hair cut. And then I complain that I just want a short bob. I’m officially 17 months post chemo . Explain to me why my boys need haircuts every 3 weeks and I still can’t put in a ponytail??

Hormones - lack of hormones - whatever I’m lacking- it all sucks. I have hair where I don’t want it- fatigue and insomnia are getting their times mixed up and bones and joints that I didn’t even know could be sore are sore. Oh and I’m constantly hungry. May or may not be cancer meds but you can be damned sure I’m blaming it on them.

Scars- you know already... treasure map.

The thing is- I’m 10 months out from my last treatment but still don’t know how to work out this new normal.

I’m hot
I’m cold
Mood swings
Chemo brain

I cry a lot more
Love a bit deeper
Treasure little things more
Care about crap less

I hate  pink more than ever

And it’s official.
I’ve been fighting it for a while but I’ve officially come to terms with it...
Jeans are my enemy
