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Trying to live strong

Had my livestrong class this morning.
And left feeling rejuvenated.

Believe me. I'm not shedding lbs
And I'm still an arthritic mess.

But there is something about being in a room with people who totally get it.

We are all different ages.
With different backgrounds.
And different cancer diagnoses.

Yet twice a week we meet in this room.
And we move.
It may be just as simple as getting on and off a yoga mat for some.
Others may be trying to lift heavier weights.
Some are just trying to make it through radiation and chemo.

There's no judgement here.
No matter our age we have all been through hell and back.
And we all get that no matter where we are in treatment; currently or in the past
it never leaves us.

But at the end of the class
We breathe.
And we exhale.
And we focus on ourselves.

And we end with a mantra

Live Healthy
Live Fully
Live Strong

Thank you livestrong for helping me look forward to a  healthier tomorrow.
To those struggling

You are not alone
