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I haven't slept in over 2 weeks.
Ok ,it's a slight exaggeration but not totally out there.
I'm blaming my jaw (TMJ) and my 35 years of migraine suffering.

I thought it was my pillow.

New pillow did not solve the issue.

I blamed my stress level -
which is funny because really my stress level is higher because of my no sleep.

Sleeping aids not helping.

Nothing is helping.

I'm starting(started) to lose my shit.

But then Pete Frates died at the age of 34, from ALS.
And tomorrow is the anniversary of the Sandy Hook Shooting.
And a freshman from Barnard just got shot and killed by a 13 year old (that age is not a typo)
And the president of our country is tweeting/bullying a 16 year old.

So I paused and tried to put things into perspective.

That's the thing isn't it?

Your life can seem really crappy until you hear about other stuff and you have to say to yourself..

Your lack of sleep (even if the jaw pain and the headache behind my head and eyes is excruciating at 230AM)
this is not huge in the scheme of huge.

I'm trying to do this when I have a bad day.
I'm trying to put it into perspective.

I'm not minimizing anyone's crap.
Because we all have it.

But I think the thing to remember is sometimes your crap really may not be that life altering.
If in 2 days your crap isn't going to be crap anymore- than it's not really that big a crap.

Big Crap.

Lack of sleep.
Medium sized crap (in all honesty it does effect how you perform day by day. So I feel a medium rating is justified)

Your teen not wearing a jacket in the dead of winter
Little Crap. (He's old enough to realize he will be cold- let him be cold)

See where I'm going with this?

“When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened.”
– Winston Churchill

Now, to practice what I preach!! 
