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Ode to a friend

You know how you cannot remember what you needed in Target?
And you walk out with 15 things and get home, and you realize you didn't buy the one thing you needed?

And you know how you can remember every word to the Air Supply song that helped you get over your broken heart, but don't know a thing they are singing in today's music?

And you know how you remember childhood friends more than you remember some of your college acquaintances?

It's because those childhood friends are a part of who you are today.

Perhaps you drifted from the person who you had endless playdates with after school.
Maybe you went off to different high schools or circled in different circles.
Sometimes that happens.
You change.
They change.
It's par for the course.

But you know what's kind of cool?
That when you're a grown up
and you are on social media
you can reconnect with those childhood friends.
If you want.

I wanted.
She wanted.

We reminisced about our grade school crushes.
About a huge 6th grade fall out which neither of us could really remember what it was all about.
Our love of the Boston Bruins back in the day.
How we remembered each others homes, parents and walking home from school together.

And then we got to know each other again.
As adults.
As women in our 50's who both had a few crappy cards dealt to us.

We reconnected as grown ups but the feeling of friendship was not new.
It was always there.

We went different ways.
We had different friends.
We lost touch.
And got back in touch.

Her heart was still the same.
Her love of life.

She was private in her struggles.
That's who she was.
Wanting to know about my pains, my traveled roads
cheering me on -
putting my heartaches above her own.

She was dealt a shitty card.

I'm not sure why it seems only the good die young
why the good ones are all gone too soon

I lost an old friend yesterday.
A piece of my childhood gone; but never forgotten.
