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21st century

 My kids will never know real life struggles.

They'll never need to find a dime to make a phone call.

Leave the couch to change a channel.  (Or worse, see shows in black and white)

They will never have to be in a car with their parents and have them stop at a gas station to ask for directions.

And then need to fold up the map to fit into the glove compartment. 

Or to know how to read a map.

They don't know life before a microwave, making long distance calls that cost money per minute, busy signals, or waiting through a commercial for your show to come back on.

Need to order something? Use the app- it will be waiting for you upon arrival. 

No tapes needed to be inserted to watch a movie, listen to music or watch a recording of a show. 

They'll never know about non smoking sections in airplanes (or restaurants), riding without seatbelts, not knowing who's on the other side of the door (or phone), banana seats on bikes, the desire to have a waterbed and your mom saying no, white out, Saturday morning cartoons, scratch marks across your record collection, rewinding tapes with a pencil,  waiting for film to be developed, toys in cereal boxes, and talking for hours on the phone to your friends.

These kids are all about instant gratification. And have no clue how to entertain themselves without a screen in front of them.

So bring back my atari, parachute pants, mixed tapes and battle of the network stars because this 21st century is not acting like all it's cracked up to be. 
