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Father's Day

As my first Father's Day approaches without my Dad, I'm feeling a bit down. The weeks since his death have been busy with a trip to Disney and end of school year activiites for the boys. Time has wound down though and Father's Day is Sunday.

I will be spending the wkend with BFF who is flying in for our summer camp reunion. I will be reminiscing and strolling down memory lane with many good friends the Saturday prior.

But Sunday
Father's Day
It's going to be tough.

Usually we had a bbq. Dear husband grilled dinner and my parents came over to hang out with the boys. Always low keyed. This year we will do the same.
But my dad's presence will be missed.

I also celebrate dear husband.
Father of my boys
The one who lets me sleep whenever I want, takes the kids to the park so I can get some alone time, helps with things like cleaning the dishes (without being asked), makes my kids laugh, loves unconditionally.

So I celebrate Father's Day this year with a very heavy heart
missing my dad
but basking in the joy of watching my boys with theirs

Happy Father's Day to dear husband
And my Dad...
