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I'm getting old

How I know I'm getting old:

Watched Justin Bieber on the TODAY SHOW this morning.
Kid is 16
Looks 10

Gotta give props to Kate Gosselin who looks pretty damned good for going through a divorce and birthing 8 children.

Youngest asked me to play Disney Monopoly with him. Why does one game of Monopoly take over two hours to play? Thankfully Mommy has a crappy back and cant sit on the floor longer than 30 minutes without needing a good stretch.

My Friday nights used to consist of going out at 10PM with my college roommates.
It now consists of me curling up with PEOPLE magazine and falling asleep in the middle of a CSI repeat.

PT for my shoulder has brought out more aches and pains in my neck, other shoulder and back.

42 so far has brought me:
worsening eyesight
sore muscles
earlier bedtimes
me saying "oy" a lot
and 5 lbs that I still cannot shed.

Whoever said 40 is the new 30 hasn't met my body
