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What doesn't kill us..

does not make us stronger

it makes us in need of a stiff drink and a long nap

or in need of an hour long cry

it makes us want to curl up in the fetal position for hours on end sometimes or isolate ourselves from the rest of the world.

It makes us want to stay in bed

It makes us want to not talk
or talk till our heart cant take it anymore.

But let me tell you, it does not make us stronger.

I know this because there is so much crap that I've dealt with in my adult life that there are times I've done one or all of the above at a single time.

Am I strong?
I never thought I was.
But maybe I am.
Because I've survived a lot of crap
And here I am
Breathing, living, blogging...

But am I stronger because of it all?

Because of all the crap that "didn't kill me"?

Not so sure.
I know my marriage is stronger
I know I see things much differently than I did before losing my infant son
I appreciate more than I did before Breast Cancer
I appreciate the time I had with my Dad; and the time I have with my Mom

But it didn't make me stronger
just seeing things in a different light
