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My preschool bubble

In two weeks youngest graduates preschool.
Although I do find it totally surreal that I have two kids old enough to be in Elementary school I'm not really sad about him leaving preschool.

I'm sad about ME leaving preschool.

For the past two years (four if you include oldest being there) I have been in a comfortable little bubble. I know most of the moms (and some Dad's) from seeing them at pick up and drop off. We swap quick weekend stories, a funny blurb about how we cant believe what our child did the other day and exchange an occasional shopping tip or recipe.

We arrive at 845AM in baseball hats and work out clothes; knowing we will not be judged by our unshowered look. We vow to catch up at pick up.

The past year (plus) I look forward to my pick up time. I arrive minutes early (especially in the Spring) so I can sun outside and catch up on girl talk with a few close friends. Our boys brought us together but the friendship--that was our doing! We each agree that the security and casualness of living in the preschool bubble has been a comfort.

I used to say that I lived in my town for 7 years and didnt know a soul.
I used to say that I wanted friends in town who I could ask to pick up my kid if I was running late or do playdates with.
People would say to me "wait till your kids start school"
And they did.
And I met people.
And I met friends.
The "can you watch my kid because I need to run to the doctors" kind of friends.

I'll miss my preschool bubble but know you're still my watch my kid kind of friend!

(shout out to joella who I know reads me faithfully!)
