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For those following the pooping saga you will be elated to know that we have had success!!
My four year old finally pooped on a toilet before he entered Kindergarten.
Before he turned five.
Before I drank an entire bottle of wine and a pint of ben and jerry's in one sitting.

I made a huge stink (sorry, couldn't resist the pun)
Did a happy dance
Ran out to buy him a toy
Called the grandparents
Emailed the poopy doctor (told us to take us off the wait list for toileting school)
Called Dear Husband

Youngest was proud of himself but naturally, there were rules around his success.

Rule #1- He would not discuss it with anyone. Grandparents would know but I had to tell them. He did not want to hear them yelling "yay"
Rule #2) He would poop in the toilet only if I was outside of the bathroom. The door must be closed and I couldn't even take a peak.
Rule #3) I could not throw away the potty seat that goes onto the toilet because he fell in once and isn't sure he wants to actually poop ON the big toilet w/out the seat.

So, I'm happy to follow these rules. After all, it took the kid almost five years to get to this point, who am I to argue with his need for privacy and a potty seat?

Oh happy day!
