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Being a mom is the toughest job!

This mom thing is hard work.
I mean, really hard work.
I'm tired from feeling....
sad, happy, whiney, hungry, overwhelmed, giggly, scared, apprehensive, anxious, unsure, excited....
and that's just what my kids are feeling!
So, naturally, as a Mom, we feel it too.

You get it, right?

Your kid does poorly on his test or strikes out at the tee...
your heart is practically breaking in two.

The fear of them entering a new classroom, a new camp experience, a new sports team...nervewracking, right? You're biting your nails til you find out the end result.

and my kids? 8 and 10! Geesh what the &*$ is going to happen when they're in their teens?
I'm going to need massive therapy couches!

Listen, as a Mom; a parent, we can only do so much.
We nurture, we guide, we help soften the blows but really...we need to let them go..and fall, and fail, and learn, and succeed..because that's how we all got here.
There was no bubble that we were wrapped in to shelter us from the blows.
We took the blows.
Some harder than others and some maybe appeared unscathed but believe me, we all had the blows!
And I think back to my 8 and 10 year old days, the mean girl being mean, my first crush in 4th grade, hating that my bff wasn't in the same class I was in.
Here I am, 45(!) and none the wearier.
I know in the long run, these heartaches and insecurities wont matter so much.
I know that there is a lifetime ahead for my boys of roads and mountains and valleys and peaks..
and I'll be right there with them..

wanting to vomit til they get past the hurdle and on to the next!
This mom thing is definitely the toughest job I will ever have!
