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Why you shouldn't parent young children in your mid 40's

Me: "Guys. Mommy has a terrible headache. Can you just play quietly for a while?"

Boys: "Mommy can you lift me up and carry me like you used to or is that going to hurt your back again?"

Me: "Mommy's tired guys"
Boys: "Mommy you're ALWAYS tired"

Me:" Who wants to take a nap?"

Boys: "Mommy why are you always saying Oy?"
Boys: "Will you build a lego city with me on the floor or will you not be able to get up?"

Me: "Hey guys, can you read this for me? I can't see without my glasses on"

Boys: "Mommy you are so old!"


  1. Abby, I'm 48, and while I parented my sons in my twenties and 30s, I'm doing it again now with young step-daughters. I get it, I soooooo get it. The back, the headaches, the far-sightedness (!!). Oy.


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