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Since my Dad was the first man I ever loved; there was no doubt that I would look to marry someone with similar qualities.
The good stuff: loyalty, respectfulness, good hearted
The somewhat annoying stuff: buying the cheaper orange juice because it's on sale, stacking the dishwasher a certain way, snoring..

I wouldn't trade either of them for all the money in the world. (Although if the lottery came knocking on my door I may opt for a second master bedroom so I can sleep without listening to the snoring)

My Dad has been gone for 3 years now. It's true when you hear "not a day goes by that I dont think of them".
I often have dreams that I swear he is right there in his blue cardigan sweater and slippers talking to me at the kitchen table over a bowl of bananas and cream.
Thanksgivings have passed and he is no longer a presence in the kitchen carving the turkey (or telling my brother or husband that they are carving it the wrong way)
There is not a french toast dinner that I dont make for my youngest that I dont think of my father doing the exact same for me.

The days I crave a vanilla milkshake, or I think to put jam on my bagel with cream cheese, the times I hear Gershwin singing "They cant take that away from me" the crossword puzzles I do, the PEARL hotdogs I see in the deli section of the supermarket, the times I think to myself "nothing comes easy", whenever I pass over the Tobin Bridge or hear someone talk about a cribbage game, when I miss the days of driving my 2 seater convertible with a standard shift, when I eat a corned beef sandwich, when I turn a plastic bottle over to see who made it, when I struggle with a math question or think about how to figure out the square root of a number,  when I want to share the accomplishments of my children...
I think of my Dad.
And I know he is right here next to me
because his traits, his beliefs, his thoughts...are instilled in me.

Happy Fathers Day to the wonderful fathers out there and to the two most important ones in my life:

One of whom I married
The other who I was lucky enough to be raised by.
