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Chemo Teaching

I had a chemo teach appointment today which should really be renamed "let me tell you every side effect that you may possibly get and scare the crap out of you "appointment.
There I sat across from two pharmacists who were lovely and went through line by line through my "cancer packet".
How to deal with chemotherapy
How to deal with mouth issues
What to expect from your port
How cancer effects your fertility and sexaulity.
How cancer effects your joints, your heart, your mouth, your bodily functions.

Where was the part how cancer effects your mood? Your sanity? Your ability to think clearly?

I was feeling strong. Until I wasn't.
#Igotthis #positiveattitudeiseverything
Sure, Im positive. Im positive that I want to cry and hurl every other minute.
I'll be okay. My oncologist told me there's a 98% chance of me being okay. Those are good odds. In the same breath he told me he wants me to do more genetic testing because there are now 60 (or was it 60 bajillion?) more genes that may cause cancer so let's see if you're at risk.
Sure, let's chop off the other breast because at this rate I'm dreading going through my second reconstruction on the first breast.

Are you following? Yes, second time around- same breast. Go figure.

So chemo teaching has left me looking for scarves and wigs and looking up things like mucosity on line.
