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Life is short. Skip the flax seed

Apparently if I ate flax seed and Salmon I wouldn't have Breast Cancer.
I wouldn't know a flax seed if I saw one (unless it's in between my Hershey bar or a slice of pizza) and I don't eat pink food.
So there's that.
I'm sure that's why I have Breast Cancer.

And I was supposed to have breast fed. (Clearly my pumping enough milk to feed all of Massachusetts for 6 months while my son was in the NICU didn't constitute breast feeding)

And limit hormone therapy. Yea the 6 IVF treatments I went through and all the shots of hormones I injected into my stomach and tush- another reason I have cancer.

It's no wonder I got it. TWICE.

Oh wait, there's this:
I don't smoke.
I've never done drugs (except Ativan. Who doesn't love Ativan? And maybe I beg for the versed every time I'm wheeled into surgery but that's given by the guy behind the surgical mask so  I'm pretty sure this is okay)
I don't drink excessively. Hell I barely drink anymore. Those years in college....don't count.
Be physically active...Okey dokey so let's skip along to the point shall we

I am pretty confident you cannot prevent Breast Cancer. Or perhaps any cancer for that matter. Smoking causes lung cancer. Yup. Proven Fact. Here it is though I know a couple people with lung CA and never inhaled.
Prostate, Colon, Esophogeal- I can name them all and pretty sure none can be prevented.
I will give the breast the fact that you can find it early.
Check those breasts.
Do not, I repeat, do NOT feel weird about this. It's your body and it is IMPERATIVE that you know your body.
Guys reading along- same deal. (I know it seems weird but men do get it in the breasts. Check there, check down below)
Check your moles while you're at it.
Check and check. Don't make yourself crazy (because then you will really need the Ativan even though it is like a slice of a good chocolate cake sometimes) but know your body.
I tell you this because I know.
It's how I found cancer #2.

It' not because I didn't eat flax seed. I promise you.
Life is short. Skip the flax seed.
