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What I've learned so far from cancer

This is what I've learned..

Everyone needs a cry now and then.
Crying solves shit but it releases a ton of emotions so go with it.
Chocolate solves everything (except cancer)

You will get cancer the second you decide to invest in a curling iron. Yes, the one you've wanted to get for years because you think your hair looks kind of cute curled so you go for it. You finally figure  out how to get a good curl and then you get cancer. And the curling iron gets shoved in the drawer. You read your hair;  if lost, may grow in curly anyway so the damn curling iron- a big waste.

If I do lose my hair I'm thinking I can save some bucks in the next coming months. Coloring and hilighting your hair gets quite pricey. And I like good smelling shampoos of course. A couple spritzes of hair spray. And I'm thinking I will no longer need to put a headband on to wash my face to hold back the hair from falling into my lathered cheeks. So, there's that.

I've learned that googling too much really can be a bad thing.

WEB MD is bound to tell you that you're dying or a really big hypochondriac.

I have a rock star village of friends. And strangers. And new friends.

Cancer puts every little thing into perspective. Your dog needing to go out in the slush- it's all good when you have cancer.  Long lines in the market, your kid complaining about the dinner you made, the extra carb you inhaled at lunch, the gray hairs, no sweat.

Life can change in an instant people. Be kind.

I've also learned you need to keep your sense of humor because Jimmy Buffett once told me that if you don't laugh we all go insane. True fact. Jimmy knows all.


  1. Humor is sooooo important! For you and for those who love you Abby! Will be following you and and thinking of you as you travel through this.


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