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The re-entry

Youngest comes back from overnight camp in a few days.

He has been gone 7 weeks (which honestly feels like two) (Which may sound horrible because..."7 weeks, did't you miss your kid?" But it flies and sure I miss him but each year gets easier and sorry, not sorry,but ....well, kind of enjoyable)(Yes. I said it out loud. Relax. Those of you with kids gone are thinking the same thing)

So, he comes home soon.
And of course I can't wait to see him but after 5 summers of doing this I know how re-entry into the world goes.

And it's not pretty.

Because our campers are tired.

I mean- totally tired.

Like haven't stopped going going going for 49 days tired.

And parents haven't been around nagging (I mean telling) (I mean asking) them to do things like brush teeth, pick up their room, eat a veggie, and pick up your towel.
And the minute a request comes out of a parents mouth they will get either an eye roll, heavy sigh or a non enjoyable snappy comeback.

This isn't their fault really.
And don't blame yourself for not walking on eggshells more carefully.
Just remember it is hard to come back to the real world.

They've been without you and have kind of been loving it.
(Many of them more than kind of)

The thought of school and you asking them ANYTHING is annoying to them.

Fun for 49 days straight and now we are making them tie their shoes when they leave the house?
It's no wonder we get an eyeroll.

It's weird.
It's weird to be home and to have parents and siblings again.
It's weird not to wear flip flops in the shower and to sleep in a comfortable bed.
It's weird not to have 15 other kids in a room with you 24 hours a day.
And it's almost like a mourning period.

More than almost.

For real.
You mourn camp.
You cry and you're sad and you miss everything about it- even the flip flops in the shower.

So give your kid space.
They may not talk to you for 2 days so if the car ride home is a quiet one, it's all to be expected.
I've learned not to ask more than 2-3 questions- PER DAY.
I've learned to wait for information to be offered up to me (well I try to wait. I'm not real good at this part)
(Because in fairness I'm a communicator and I live with 3 non communicator males and it SUCKS)

But I've learned that he needs time.

Time to mourn.

So for those of you in the same boat as me, I'm here for you.

I'm here for your miserable next few days because your kid is moping around the house.

And then the kicker of course is when they say

"Im bored"

Thank you camp for loving and caring for my kid for 7 weeks.
And for not making him bored.

The countdown is on.
300+ more days
