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A bunch of nothing

I find it funny that my nights out used to start at the exact time I now go to bed.
I find it funny that you may think that I go to bed that LATE.

I easily gained 20lbs in college but didn't own a pair of yoga pants. What did I wear?
 Oh harem pants how I miss you.

Had my second LIVESTRONG class and now love all my classmates. Cancer bonds you.
I love that instead of asking where we live we are all asking where our treatment was and comparing oncologists and surgery scars.

I am mortified that I actually check out "Married At First Sight"s facebook page.
I am mortified that I actually watching "Married At First Sight".

I'm barely caught up on buying spiral notebooks and the candy corn is already in full bloom.

Why are school pictures scheduled for the first week of school? My HS freshman barely knows where his homeroom is how is he supposed to be made to wear a collared shirt and find the gym?

When did Gym get changed to Physical Education? And why do they no longer have Home Ec, Woodworking/Shop in school? How about a little life skills in addition to you worrying about my kid passing his MCAS.

Year one completed on cancer meds.
Year one completed on my second round of cancer meds.
Previously I had to do 5 years of cancer meds. And we all know how that turned out.

1460 more days to go. This should be a breeze.
