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Sailing the ocean



When did my kid start being able to drive the riding lawnmower and do our entire lawn?
And at what point did I start going to sleep BEFORE my children?

They can make themselves a meal
I do not have to rush through Target to get home
They (mostly) flush the toilet

This aging thing is kind of amazing and kind of scary as shit at the same time.

Oldest is only a year away from driving a car yet needs to be reminded to brush his teeth.

Youngest is old enough to ride his bike to Starbucks yet cannot for the life of him throw away the tissue box which has remained under his bed for over a week.

Little kids. Little problems.
Big kids...scary as shit problems.

Social pressures, social media, academic pressure, college pressure, sports (What? You do not play a sport? why on earth do you not play a sport?), drinking, drugs, vaping (which honestly I just learned that Jewel was not just the singer), (And I'm pretty sure not spelled JEWEL), texting while driving, changing a radio station while driving, DRIVING.

Please. Slow. Down.

Plus I am 50.
You know how everyone posts their kids first day of school photos and says things like 8th grade, how did this happen?

I'm 50.
How did THAT happen?
I was just trying to figure out how old I would be in the year 2000 and I thought 32 was going to be freakin ancient.

But then we blinked.
Because we kind of gotta blink to survive.
And to get the sand out of our eyes.
And then we have kids entering 8th and 9th grade and who know how to dress themselves and actually rinse off a dish (okay, that one is questionable) but here's the thing...

as much as I want to literally vomit that I have kids that are going to continue battle the pressures I know it's just part of growing.
And we all battle pressures each and every day.
And we totally wish we could be a Kardashian and admit ourselves to the "hospital"  and call it "exhaustion" we get up and put on our fanciest yoga pants and pretend to get our act together to face the day.

And there are days that we are totally in the groove.
And days we want to snuggle up with the dog and not move off the floor
but remember we are all in the same ocean

just maybe sailing on different ships.
