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So similar

I will never minimize cancer.

But my cancer life is not much different than my pandemic life


I was scared.
I isolated.
I didn't wear make up and sometimes didn't get up to shower.
I slept a lot.
I watched mindless TV, endless Hallmark Channel Movies, and had no attention span to read.
I begged for my hair to grow. And to not be gray any more.
I cried and was anxious for many a day.
I couldn't wait to get out for a pedicure.
And a massage.
And I missed browsing a shopping mall for the hell of it.
I wore a mask sometimes while getting chemo.
I needed ativan to sleep.
I cried to my Mom.
I blogged a lot and read a lot of blogs.
I spent way too much time googling things and playing candy crush.
The only food that gave me comfort was chocolate.


I am scared.
I am isolated.
I don't wear make up and sometimes don't shower.
I don't sleep at night and nap during the day.
I watch mindless TV and have no attention span to read anything but mindless "beach reads".
I am BEGGING for a hair cut. And to not be gray anymore.
I cry and am anxious many a day.
I cannot wait for a pedicure. And a massage.
And I may never go to shopping mall ever ever again.
I wear a mask whenever out in public. (Which is seldom) (And then I hyperventilate from anxiety)
I miss ativan to help me sleep.
I miss crying to my Mom.
I now cry because of my Mom.
I blog a lot and read a lot of blogs.
I spend way too much time googling about covid (and playing candy crush)
The only food that gives me comfort is chocolate (and ice cream)(and carbs) (and oreos)

Thanks Cancer for prepping me for 2020.

FU Cancer
FU Covid

So similar
