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time flies

 These facebook memories are killing me.

You know what I complained about 10 years ago? Required nightly reading?!

OMG! Do you know what I wouldnt do to have required nightly reading be my biggest angst right now?

So today I am here to tell you this...

what seems horrific today, very well may not be horrific next year. 

Or maybe even next month. Or tomorrow.

We got through the nightly reading struggles. 

Potty training stress? 

Check. Kids now pee in toilets.

3rd grade recorder? I somehow survived 365 days of hot cross buns.

I know in the moment it seems like you will never make it through but I'm here to tell you that you actually do.

And so do your kids.

And someday you will look back and laugh at yourself for thinking that school science fairs are your biggest family crises.

So at the end of the day when you are pulling your hair out and crying alone in the bathroom and begging for a time when you can go out without needing a babysitter, just remember that  day will come ...

and then you will be pulling your hair out and crying alone in the bathroom because your angst is so much worse then science fairs and nightly reading!!!
