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The days are long...

I'm attending Kindergarten Parent Night next week.
Not for my current Kindergartner but for my future one.

Youngest enters K in the Fall.
Oldest goes into First Grade.

I'm really finding it hard to believe that in a few short months I will have two children in Elementary School.

It's true when they tell you
"The days are long but the years are short"

Yes. My days are long.

I spend them driving youngest to preschool, coming home to shower and spend my remaining free hour doing things like laundry, trips to the market, cleaners, CVS or random medical appointment. I then rush to pick youngest up from preschool, feed him, entertain him (because lets remember youngest isn't my independent play child), attempt to still get him in for a nap (time is running out. He asks me daily when he can stop napping and I told him when he is five. 3 more months until I need to entertain for longer than 2 hours), await for oldest to get dropped off by the bus, spend 20 minutes coercing him to eat a snack and then await for said therapist to arrive (speech twice/wk, OT once/wk. Feeding once/week) If it's not said therapy day I then entertain two children by doing things like trips to the park, play dates, occasional apt to allergist, GI or nutritionist, or my particular favorite, trips to Target. I then of course, feed dinner to two boys who have totally different eating styles which means two different dinners (plus one later in the night for dear husband and me). Pick up said husband from the train station (I know, wife of the year. Parking got pricey and we live less then 1/2 a mile from the train. How can I not be designated chauffeur?), Bathe children, give nebulizer treatments (remember, asthmatics) and put them into bed by 645. Yes, you read that right. 645. My boys go to bed when it's still light out. They are 4 1/2 and 6 1/2 and I can still get away with this. Youngest is usually asleep within 15 minutes (unless he naps. Like he is now) and oldest entertains himself by talking (or an occasional burst into song). Regardless, they remain in bed. They never, ever, get out of bed. I may not be a perfect parent but I do take pride in my two great sleepers. Then, I get to have a night to myself! It's not bad. But it's tiring.

I dont sleep at night so therefore, by 3pm I'm ready for bed.

Where was I going with all this?
Oh yea, the fact that my baby is entering Kindergarten next year.
I realize that as I approach my 42nd birthday that time has flown.
I'm getting old. I need my reading glasses more often and am complaining of GERD. I cant sit on the floor and play with my kids anymore because my back aches when I get up.

The bright side of course...
No more rushed showers
No more two minute trips to the cleaners and CVS!
I no longer will need to wait for a Saturday to get my hair cut and colored

Life is going to be GOOD!
(If I could only see what I'm writing)
Whoever said 40 is the new 30 never needed glasses
