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Why is it that I think that the next time I eat McDonalds I WONT feel sick afterwards?
Got french fries for lunch~ no sandwich. After all, I'm dieting. So how many calories can an order of French Fries be?

Don't ask.

And even just the fries make you feel sick.

I officially ban McDonalds from passing through these lips again.
Seriously, what was I thinking? This is what I get for letting youngest eat there.

I'm never going to lose my remaining 5lbs if I keep this up.

Not to be tangential but..
Why do I need to put my dryer on for two cycles no matter how much laundry I have in there?

10 days till Disney.
Have managed to still keep it a secret from the boys yet I'm so anal that it's making my skin itch that I can't start packing.

But I have my lists made.
Of course.

You're lucky you only read this blog.
Poor Dear Husband is going to have to listen to me complain all day about aforementioned McD disaster.
