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I'm oh so tired

If we're being honest..
I've had a really crappy 12 months.

Breast Cancer and the loss of my Dad all under a year.
It's no wonder Ativan and Ambien have become my two new bff's.

I also missed my brother in laws wedding this wkend
I sat in my house Saturday night; alone. Dear husband was at the wedding and I was uncontrollably sobbing. Over the loss of my dad, over the fact that I was missing the wedding. Over my emotional difficult year.

Life has dealt me some really tough cards but I try to live how my Dad taught me to live. He was a big believer in fate and that everything happens for a reason. I try to believe that. I really do. Yet I'm not sure why I'm getting smacked upon.

Zachary is now buried in the same memorial park as my Dad. I find comfort in that.

Funeral was yesterday and we are sitting shiva all week. I'm on auto pilot and am pretty sure none of this has sunk in yet. After all, I was just talking to my Dad the other day. How can he be gone? I just hugged him...

So many friends and family gathered with us yesterday. My Dad would have been so humbled to hear all the wonderful things they had to say about him.

But why do we wait till after someone is gone to tell them all these wonderful things?

Take a moment today to do it. You'll feel good
