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My Dad's Eulogy

My dad loved to tell stories. He was a kibbitzer. He would talk to friends and family about his days in the navy, his business, his family

Stories were not saved for just people he knew. On the contrary. When traveling he would talk to the taxi drivers about the local weather and discuss with them the best way to get to his destination.
He would kid waiters in restaurants about the correct pronunciation of scallops or scollops.
When talking to nurses in the hospital, he would always ask where they were from.

My dad loved people.

He spent 60 yrs building his fathers business into a successful company called Chelsea Bottle Company. It was there where he would spend his days talking with customers and suppliers. He loved what he did and my Dad met so many dear friends through his work.

I would joke with him that if his customers asked to see pictures of his loved ones, that he would pull out his wallet and there, would be a picture of his Mercedes. He loved his car. Im not sure what saddened him more, retiring from his business or giving up driving that car.

Kidding aside, nothing was more important to my Father than his family. He met my Mother in their 20’s and they dated for many years. My Dad knew she was the one; my mom; not so sure. So he waited patiently until she agreed to marry him. Thankfully, she never looked back. They spent nearly 50 years together as husband and wife, business partners, and most importantly; friends. They loved to travel together, take cruises, discuss the business, play Bridge, see movies. They were true partners in every sense of the word.

My Dad loved to also talk about Joel and me. He was not a braggart but would certainly tell anyone who would listen about our latest accomplishments. My Dad was always in my corner and I could do no wrong. He was my biggest fan. I would always joke with him that he would buy me the moon if he could- he was that kind of Dad.

Dad always said that his kids married well. He loved his daughter in law Francine and although my Dad was a devoted Red Sox fan, adored Derek; my yankee loving husband. He was also a wonderful grandfather to his five grandchildren. Dina, Aliza, Ari, Jared and Jeremy. Nothing brought him more joy then his family.

What will I remember about my Dad?
His love of a jelly donut and a good vanilla frappe. Trips to Katz’s Bagels in Chelsea as he hoisted me on top of the counter so I could see the bagels being made. His Sunday mornings spent doing the NY times crossword puzzle, in ink, while listening to ramsey lewis and Diana krall.. He would then call up his brother Al, in California, and compare answers they missed; if any. I will remember him teaching me to drive a stick shift car and taking full credit that it was he, who made me into a good driver. I will remember his famous lox and eggs, his sometimes, funny jokes and the way he made my four year old son laugh when he made growling monster like noises at him.
I will remember that he loved a good game of cribbage, he read the comics daily, and taught me to love a good Gershwin tune. I will remember him letting me stand on his feet as he danced me around the house.

I may be all grown up now but I am so proud to have always been daddys little girl
