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Social Distancing Day 23

I've learned I don't mind social distancing.
Don't get me wrong- I hate what's going on in the world.
It breaks me in so many directions-
but staying home and hunkering down with my family- it's all okay.

I actually feel a sense of calm knowing my kids are safe.
I'm enjoying sleeping and lounging and doing puzzles and not caring what time my kids go to sleep or wake up.

My body however, is not enjoying the extra sugar.
Headaches for days over here and am in desperate need of a massage or a visit to the chiropractor because I'm pretty sure every ounce of stress is laying straight into my neck.

But we are healthy.
And for that; I count my blessings.

Like many of you, I feel helpless.
I've surrounded myself in healthcare since the age of 22 when I got my first job in a hospital.
I toyed with nursing school but ended up being involved in the admin part of medical offices for most of my 20's and early 30's.

IVF, High risk pregnancies, NICU run, high risk medical child and two bouts of breast cancer makes me practically someone who could have a bunch of initials after her name.
So to say I've always had high respect for nurses and doctors, well, it's an understatement.
Those people saved my life-
and my son's life-
time and time again.

I witnessed my son "coding" and turning blue more than once.
I know all about life on a ventilator.
I know about IV's and oxygen and fear.

I know a ton about fear.

I'm remembering my fear and imagining that on steroids.
I'm guessing this is what life is like in the hospitals right now.
Fear on steroids.

Our healthcare workers are running into fires.
Because it's who they are.

I wonder how we will ever repay them.
Just as I used to wonder how I would repay the people who saved my son.

I think the best payment I've given them though, to  his nurses and doctors ..
is seeing my kid grow and thrive.
He is thriving every day because they stepped into work that day and did their jobs.

Which makes me realize that the thanks these healthcare workers need-
is by us growing and thriving.

Stay home
So they can keep doing what they do best.

Saving lives.
Time and time again.
