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Thursday Thoughts

I've cried a lot in the past week.
Tears of sadness, frustration, anger, and fear mostly.

This is a surreal time in all of our lives.
Parents are trying to teach our kids math when we haven't a clue how to do it ourselves.
Some are juggling work while needing to be Mom and Dad simultaneously.
We are walking around in masks and gloves just to pick up deli meat and eggs.

This virus is shutting our worlds down and causing our daily lives to come to a halt.

It is becoming increasingly hard to stay optimistic and hopeful.

I have found this week really difficult.
My Mom died from Covid 19 and to not be with her has really hit me very hard.
She was sleeping for days so I truly believe she wouldn't have known if I was there, but I KNOW I wasn't there. And that is hard for me to get past.

I; like I assume many of you, are angry at the people not taking this seriously.
I worry about silly things like our upcoming vacation and will I be able to sink my toes into the sand this summer in my happy place?
I worry about more serious things like will my kids be able to attend school in the Fall and when will be able to hug our friends again?

And then I have moments of gratitude.
I have been completely overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and sympathies over my Mom's passing.
I think this time, although horrific, has made us all more aware of our priorities.
It has given us time (lots of time!) to think about what is important to us and what really doesn't matter so much.

Sadly. when I went through cancer, I had this eye opening moment so I've kind of been here in some ways.
I learned a few years back to not get caught up in the BS stuff and to wean out the bad- focus on the good.
I hate that we all needed to have a cancer eye opening moment but a part of me is hopeful that the world will maybe now be a more compassionate, kinder place.

Who knows?

For now, I'll try my hardest to keep smiling, to focus on the good.

Silver linings:
My family. Thank god I love them because it's been A LOT of family time.
Governor of MASS who I think is doing a phenomenal job.
Thankful that Married at First Sight season is over. It was a train wreck that I couldn't stop watching.
The sun came out after it snowed this morning (seriously mother nature. Could you just be on our side during this crisis?)
Thankful for really amazing friends.

Stay safe.
Stay healthy.
Stay sane.
