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Social Distancing Day 35

I feel proud of myself when I shower AND shampoo.

No one in the house shaves anymore.

The kids lock each other in the dog crate for entertainment.

People are irked at each other for breathing, sniffling or chewing too loudly.

We eat 7 courses a day.

I've decided good TV is now a show about a guy and his tigers.

All undergarments have been locked in a drawer along with any kinds of clothing with buttons, snaps or zippers.

I may decide the make up less, gray and un-blown dryed hair is a permanent look.

I thank god daily that no one has found chocolate to be lethal.

I need new glasses. My eyes are aging by the second.

I love the idea of mobile pet groomers and think all hair salons should jump on board.

I question why I still have the same amount of laundry after I repeatedly tell my children they can wear the same pair of pants two days in a row since they are only moving from couch to chair to bed.

Remember those memes first flying around of people going on cruises and having tan lines around where their face mask was? Not so far fetched any longer.
