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25 things

I've been tagged again
or emailed a chain letter
or however this got into my head again but I'm game.

25 things you dont know about me (or maybe you do)

1)I dont drink, or ever have, had a cup of hot coffee
2) I have a slight scoliosis and a few degenerating discs in my back that cause me many achey days
3) There is many a day I wish I could relive my childhood (Childhood. Not teenage-hood)
4) My favorite candy bar is a plain ol' hershey bar (with a 100,000 grand a close second)
5)I'm still addicted to Grey's Anatomy no matter how bad the critics say it's gotten
6) I'm 42 and still a parrothead
7)I love to take bubble baths
8) I have become even more of a worrier since I had kids
9)I've watched When Harry Met Sally at least 20 times
10) Raw cookie dough is better than cooked
11)I'm not sure how I survived before email
12) I'm compulsive
13) I've kept a journal since I was 15 (probably started younger than that but I dont have them anymore)
14) I used to sing the theme song to Mary Tyler Moore to Jared when he was in the NICU ("you're gonna make it after all.".)
15) I wanted to be a nurse, until I flunked A+P; twice
16) I once dissected a cat (see above; A+P class)
17) I dont like lobster
18)I dont like any shellfish
19)The smell of egg salad brings me back to a BAD day when I was 5
20)I'm allergic to my own cat
21) I wish I had better pregnancies
22) I wish I could have something published
23) I wish I had more patience
24) I must have the TV on to fall asleep
25) It's amazing how easy I found this task to be!
