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I'M repeating Kindergarten...again

Oldest had teacher extraordinaire for two years of Kindergarten.
He started K at the age of 5 because he was being placed into a language based program to help with his delays.
He repeated K at the age of 6 because, frankly, he wasn't ready for first grade. It's been a blessing.
Oldest is going into First Grade in the Fall. Youngest is starting K.
With teacher extraordinaire.
This will be MY third year, IN A ROW, as a K mom.

Why sound so upset about this?
K is fun. It's a time of so of many firsts. It's a time of exploration and learning. It's a time for making new friends, learning independence and responsibility, eating lunch in a cafeteria, having "specials" during the week like Art and Music.

Repeating Kindergarten for the third time also means:
Weekly show and tells. Each month is a theme. For the a combined nine Monday's in the month of May I've needed to help oldest find things to bring in that relate to "What Iv'e learned/love about Kindergarten."
It's hard to get creative the second time around--but three times? My mind turns to mud.

And let's discuss "What I love about being a grown up"
First year: A few family pictures with two or three cut outs from a magazine are placed nicely on the construction paper given to me.
Grown up book gets sent home with each child and I get to see what the other Mom's did.
Let's just say I looked like a first time art student in a group of Picasso's.
I wont get duped twice.
Second year I decide to up my game. Beautiful collaged pictures, a lot of words from magazines cut out and strategically placed around the pages.
I still look like a schlump
Just wait till my third year!!

By the time youngest is out of K I will have done
three time capsules
27 months of show and tells
three zoo field trips
three parent nights listening to teacher extraordinaire read excerpts from "All I really need to know I learned in Kindergarten" (which I cry through each time)
and three times of re-reading the Elmer Elevator series.

I also will have had the glory, for three years, to:
hear how wonderful teacher extraordinaire is
watch the excitement as my boys learn to read
and do math
and watch baby chicks be born
and learn about how caterpillars turn into butterflies
to hear about what they did at recess
see what library book they picked out on Fridays
go to their art show
and valentines day party
and "A to Z" party
see their end of the school 'yearbooks'
and write a letter to them on how I've watched them grow this past year.

I'm repeating Kindergarten for a third time
What's better than that?
